How to ensure the internet does not ruin you to smithereens?

As we all know there is no escaping the internet. It provides for us many uses and has transformed the landscape of how we communicate, socialise and do business.

The biggest effect the internet has had is that is has made the world a smaller place. This brings it with it some amazing benefits but if not careful it can work against all your efforts.

I was with a client yesterday helping them plan their digital marketing strategy for 2013. Towards the end of the meet one of the Directors embarrassingly showed me a string of negative reviews one particular disgruntled customer had placed. However what upset him most was the posting by a former employee.

What surprised me most was that some of the posts were 2 years old and my client apart from informing me only now did nothing to counterbalance the negative reviews.

Haarty Hanks has now been asked to remove the reviews from the various websites they have been posted to, but unfortunately it is not as straight forward as that.

Digital sabotage as I like to call it is on the rise. There are specialist firms out there being hired to write and post negative reviews targeting the competition. But it’s not only limited to business.

Are you a celebrity, someone in the know, a personality, business person, sales director, or at management level? If so then you too are at risk.

Have you ever Googled your name before?

Well if you have then imagine how many others have to see what’s out there about you online.
Do you know?

Unless companies wake up and start implementing measures to control digital sabotage (there is no way to prevent it) you could be left hung high and dry by the time you find out.

Regarding my client there is no way to remove the posts but we can bury them so that when their company is searched all negative comments have been buried past pages 5 or 10 and all visitors see are positive, happy glory comments.

I urge you all; DO NOT ignore the power of digital sabotage. If you have managed to upset someone then with the power of the internet getting you back has never been easier.

Haarty Hanks are specialists in Online Reputation Management.

If you are interested in protecting your brand, staff or your own personal reputation online, then do not hesitate to contact us on 020 8827 1600 or email for a no obligation chat.

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