5 Tips for Finding The Best Keywords for Your Blog Posts

Getting started writing compelling content to publish on your blog might seem like a challenging task, but with your industry’s insider knowledge you can quickly explain to customers many things. Here are the five essential tips we use when creating a big blog post:

Tip 1. Point-to-point content is good
By focusing on narrowly targeted keywords rather than the more generic and competitive ones, you enhance the possibility of raking your posts highly in the search engines. Consider also the commercial intent of keywords, where people are specifically looking for a particular niche, or they are trying to search for things in general. People who are searching ‘in general’ are in their research phase.

Tip 2. Use Your Keywords in the Post Title
Titles have considerable relevance in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), so including your keywords in your title will help boost your Google ranking, as well as show your readers clearly what your post is all about.

Tip 3. Use The Right Keyword Density
With the rise of semantic search, the days of stuffing your blog post with full of keywords are finally over. Of course, you’ll still want to ensure your keywords are used throughout, but you should also be natural with your language and include variations and related phrases. Doing this will help Google to have a broader understanding of what your blog is about.

Tip 4. Use Internal Linking
Whenever a blog is shared on social media, the people will be landing on your website via that post. If they fall on that blog post page, how do you plan to turn them into a client, or get them to stay and have a look around your site? Call to action (CTA), internal links in the posts, and other relevant blog posts links in the page are crucial to holding the reader on your website to read and learn more about your business.

Tip 5. Use Image ‘Alt’ Tags
Image ‘alt’ tags are used to tell ‘what picture is all about?’ to the search engines and accessibility software. It’s SEO best practice to optimize your image alt tags by addressing descriptions of what is shown in every picture, using your keywords wherever possible.