Combining SEO & PPC Data for More Powerful Results

Digital Marketing agency in UK

Build an even stronger digital media strategy by combining efforts into both SEO and PPC  ads. Combining SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) digital marketing strategies can result in significantly increased conversion rates. Depending on your current circumstances and type of business, one may be more important than another—but both are necessary for success in today’s worldwide digital marketing arena.   

SEO and PPC ads can generate quality traffic to your site and improve your chances of converting more visitors to customers. Data shows that brands get more combined clicks on ads and organic results when both are present on a SERP (search engine results page) 

 Here are some ways to combine SEO and PPC strategies to make an efficient Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategy:  

Use Keyword Suggestions 

Finding the right SEO keywords for your website takes time and research, yet it’s fundamental to your digital marketing success. By leveraging PPC ads, you can use PPC tools to quickly determine which keywords are doing better. With the PPC data, you can then update your web page with the more relevant keywords. 

 Create a landing page 

Use your SEO strategy to make a great landing page for which you want to run paid ads so you can monitor the PPC campaign’s success. 

 Increase your page engagement 

PPC can be used to get initial traction on your website. If you make sure your website is built well, people will engage with it more and you will also start appearing more frequently for organic search results. Always continue to monitor SEO results and revise when and where it’s needed to improve engagement. 

Invest in PPC 

If you are already at the top of the organic results, the next step for you is to invest in PPC in order to appear twice! Consumers are more likely to click on your page if you appear more. You can also Track PPC results and solid data on your keywords that are converting at a higher rate. 

Add your website link to Social Media content 

Google will rank you higher if your website address appears on multiple websites and social media platforms. So, be sure to add your website’s URL on all your social media accounts and posts to increase google rankings.  

  Haarty Hanks digital marketing agency specializes in building a digital marketing strategy that will improve conversions and build brand awareness. Contact our team to see how we can help you grow your business.